
Tending the fires of purpose, power and passion in the soulful human | Sexuality Coaching | Intimacy | Masculine | Feminine | Soul | Making Love | Boulder, Colorado

The Power of Witness

As is known to anyone who is familiar with my couple's work, I work in the couple's home in the capacity of sacred witness to the dance of their love making. This is profound work. Typically, it is the woman who brings me into their home. She has heard of me or found me on the web and she has approached her partner with the desire to hire me. Usually, her partner is skeptical. Yet, without fail, it is the man who, just moments into our first session, turns to me and demands, "why isn't this available all the time, for everyone?!" In our culture, we are taught that our intimacy is a 'private' matter (as are, we are taught, the details of our intimate relationships and family truths). But actually, it is more insidious than just this. We are taught to have shame around our desire, our sexuality and our experiences. This shame is profoundly debilitating and contributes to the silencing of our truth in nearly all arenas of our lives. In other words, while we may be desperately trying to keep our sexuality confined to the bedroom, the shame associated with our sexuality does not stay in the bedroom. It expands itself throughout our lives and infiltrates all our relationships, sexual and platonic alike. It obstructs our relationship with ourselves, others, the larger world and the wild world.

The experience of allowing a witness, who is skilled at holding space in the beautiful landscape of our soul's most primal expression, is one which will continue to provide gifts to you in all areas of your life. I promise you....but you need not take my word for it. Just visit the Testimonial Page and read for yourself.

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