Women’s New Moon Kirkjas
PLEASE - The Kirkja is located in a residential neighborhood with minimal parking. Park on Kalua Street and walk the short distance to Jib Court and The Kirkja. If you have supplies to drop off at The Kirkja, feel free to pull into the driveway, unload, and then park your car on Kalua. This will ensure that we keep our relationship with our neighbors healthy, so The Kirkja can remain open to the community for years to come!
Make sure to check this page within an hour or so of the event, in case we have to cancel due to weather/wind!!
Monthly, on (or close to) the New Moons, from 7 – 9 PM
(these gatherings are well attended so arrive a few minutes early to get yourself settled and be ready to begin promptly at 7)
– scroll to the bottom of the page for 2024 dates and details –
We gather around the fire through sunset and into dark of night, as women have for millennia. We gather as the ones who track the wellness of our families, communities and the world, as the ones to listen to––and tend to––the deeper story of Life living through all beings.
We gather in council, the old way, to honor the one and the many; the larger story weaving itself through the brilliance of each one of us.
"What if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open"*
Yet, we cannot listen, nor can we truly tend, if we are running on empty, depleted or bankrupt of our true lineage as women. These nights in the Kirkja are to mother us up, wake us up and make us strong, as we empty our baskets a bit of our heartbreak, rage, competitiveness and insecurity. From there, each night we will pray, and conspire. We will honor and feed our healthy ancestor mothers and ask for their help as we do this woman’s work, healing our people and the land we live in. This is not a therapy circle. We sit in these circles as women who know that, at this point, women alone hold the capacity to insist on a new human course.
*from Muriel Rukeyser's poem 'Kathe Kollwitz'
Each Kirkja evening is a minimum donation of $15. Use the form on the right to make a pay, Venmo me (@christiane-pelmas), or bring your cash/check to the event. All donations go directly toward the the upkeep of The Kirkja.
· The Kirkja ·
6482 Jib Court, Boulder 80301
Jib Court is a small cul-de-sac in a residential neighborhood. Please park on Kalua and walk the short distance, to leave parking for residents of Jib & Mast.
If you plan to attend, please review the detailed event information available here.
Women’s New Moon Kirkja Dates for 2025:
· Thursday February 27 ·
(more to follow)
Make your donation to my Venmo: @Christiane-Pelmas