
Ongoing and Upcoming Programs

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These 90-minute calls, are open to all women wishing to step in to the essential terrain of rebuilding women’s culture and community. These will be teaching calls to support us in starting and maintaining successful women’s groups. We will explore all the aspects of creating and maintaining successful women’s groups. Learn more...


Untaming Ourselves: Discovering and Nourishing our ReWilded Woman

A 4-Month Virtual Course September – December 2018 Registration Closed

This course is designed to introduce us to the uncharted terrain of the wild within and around us; the terrain of our sovereign and preeminent relationship with the world, with our ancient grandmothers, with the ancestors of place and Earth, and with eros (not be to confused with sex but rather, simply the elemental energy of creativity, generativity – the elemental energy of the feminine). We will identify and learn to cultivate intimate relationships with these essential wild places and the ones who dwell there, who are our kin. We will discover and learn to develop the care and feeding of her, and the rituals and practices that are expressions of this rewilded one of us. Head over here to learn more.

Of the Earth: Resurrecting and Weaving Our Ancestral Female & Earth Inheritance

4 month course beginning in mid-2019


(pre-requisite is that you have two ancestral lineage healing sessions with me, or another certified practitioner, prior to enrolling in this class)

This course supports us to listen for, excavate and revive the true stories of our female heritage, uncovering our particular lineage-wisdom, its images, words, stories, practices and responsibility as women ‘of the Earth’. This course is part ancestral lineage healing and part rewilding. It will be in an online format with bi-weekly calls and bi-weekly recorded audio journeys, as well as access to private group forum.

Year-Long Immersion for Women Leaders, Facilitators & Healers

coming Fall of 2019


Gathering a small cohort of sisters who are familiar with the front lines of this work, we will create an intimate, truth-telling and eminently supportive community meeting both online and in-person, for this intensive journey designed to support women healers, leaders and facilitators, those who have listened to the profound calling of our time to be courageous restoration workers, reclamation practitioners, of women’s culture, voice and power. This course will focus on unearthing, articulating and nourishing the specific and unique message you carry, and we will take time in both deep ritual and dedicated, focused conversational, contemplative and journey space to explore